Legalization of Marijuana

Legalization of Marijuana

ILE Multidisciplinary Journal

Legalization of Marijuana

AUTHOR – Kanishka Choudhary, Student at Rajasthan School of Law for Women, Jaipur

Best Citation – Kanishka Choudhary, Legalization of Marijuana, ILE MULTIDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL, 1 (1) of 2023, Pg. 10-17, ISBN – 978-81-961097-5-2.


Today’s population of young people (ages 10-24), the largest cohort in history, has enormous commercial and societal potential. However, alcohol and illicit substance abuse are adding to a significant number of fatalities and impairments among young people in industrialised countries. To address this, governments must devise a broad-based, inclusive development strategy to address the fundamental systemic causes of poor health behaviour as well as the range of community-level risk factors. The legal production costs of cannabis are likely to bring down wholesale prices, which, combined with the reduced perceived risk in the legalized sales environment, are likely to significantly increase usage and thus the risk of marijuana use by juveniles. This greater consumption is likely to raise emergency room trips, traffic fatalities, and pollution. To target the basic systemic reasons of bad health behaviour, substance use disorder prevention requires a completely distinct and evidence-based strategy. Partial least squares on OECD cross-sectional data revealed the relevance of drug access, income and wealth inequality, child poverty, and teenage work situations in explaining the prevalence of drug disorders in the OECD building.[1]

Key-words :  full potential, young people, marijuana usage, Vine, Sawyer, Furlong, Food and Drug Administration Lancet, marijuana Cannabis, youth, drug, health, economic, usage, social,

[1] Risk and protective factors of drug abuse among adolescents: a systematic review